A DUNFERMLINE martial arts school are celebrating their 15th birthday this weekend with a demonstration and party in the city.

Evolution Traditional Korean Martial Arts, formerly Kuk Sool Won Dunfermline, was founded in 2009 and will mark their landmark year with an event in the Glen Pavilion on Saturday.

Led by husband and wife team, Craig and Tammy Hill, it teaches Traditional Korean Martial Arts (Mirae Kuk Sool), in which students can learn kicking, striking, joint locking, throwing, pressure points, meditation, breathwork, traditional weapons, falling techniques and more.

It provides the opportunity to get fit, learn self defence and Korean culture, as well as having fun and making strong friendships, with those participating ranging in age from three to those in their late 60s, from all walks of life.

Craig, a fifth dahn Kuk Sool master, said that the school has grown to become more than just he and Tammy, a fourth degree assistant master, commenting: "We have a great team of instructors who dedicate so much of their time and energy to the club's 240 plus students.

"We are grateful to all our instructors, students and parents, who all make our club the vibrant, positive and friendly place it is today.

"We teach traditional Korean Martial Arts (Mirae Kuk Sool), which is an amazingly varied martial art that has something for everyone.

"As well as teaching our traditional martial arts, we are also a Skillz lifetime member school. It is the world leader in child development using martial arts as a tool to help children be the best version of themselves.

"It’s backed by all the science and psychology to ensure, as well as developing the obvious physical skills that martial arts bring, that we equally focus on the children’s character development.

"We build confidence, self control and self discipline through a variety of methods that are fun and engaging with the children."

Recently, three of the school's students travelled with Craig to San Francisco to compete in the United Mirae Kuk Sool California Championships, and came home with medals.

JKN (First Degree Black Belt) Siân Graham won three gold (in sparring, staff and forms), two silver (in ki cho hyung 1-8 and sword) and two bronze (in self defence and bong two);

DBN (Black Belt candidate) Layla Graham won two gold (in self defence and sparring), two silver (techniques and baeki hyung) and one copper (in forms);

And DBN Jack McKay won three silver (in sparring, techniques and self defence) and three bronze (in staff, forms and baeki hyung).

Dunfermline Press: Siân Graham, Layla Graham and Jack McKay pose with their medals at the United Mirae Kuk Sool California Championships.Siân Graham, Layla Graham and Jack McKay pose with their medals at the United Mirae Kuk Sool California Championships. (Image: Evolution Traditional Korean Martial Arts.)

Based in the Elgin Industrial Estate, on Dickson Street, Evolution Traditional Korean Martial Arts will hold their demonstration event between 3-4.30pm, with the party running from 7pm until midnight.

There will be demonstrations from all of their various classes, as well as black belts and new promotions.

Tickets cost £7 and anyone who is interested in joining can take advantage of a free one-on-one introductory lesson.

For more information, find them on Facebook, or visit https://evolutiontkma.com/.