THE tapes went up for a record-breaking event on Sunday as cycle speedway riders converged on Queen Anne High School.

Fife Revolutions' custom-built track, the JDB All Trades 'Fastbowl', was the venue for the latest Babcock International Scottish Open event in Dunfermline, which attracted its biggest numbers to date.

Run for a seventh time, a total of 44 riders competed across six categories and Craig Masson, who is head coach of Fife Revolutions, said: "This is the biggest one we've had.

"It's amazing. I never thought it would get that big, particularly with only Scottish riders involved."

After some great racing in an excellent atmosphere, Oliver Slight retained his under-10 title from 2023, whilst Nathan Slight picked up the under-13 accolade.

Calan Cuthbert won the juniors prize, whilst Neil McPherson emerged victorious in the veterans age category.

Marianne Cameron took home the women's title, which had been won in each of the previous three years by Lyla Peoples, whilst the seniors championship went to Jake Slight.

He picked up his second title, having also won in 2022, following Reece Pollitt's success last year.

The Babcock International Scottish Open comes ahead of the Revolutions' hosting the first-ever Scottish National Championships in cycle speedway later this year.

READ MORE: Dunfermline to host inaugural national cycle speedway championships

It will take place on Sunday September 15 with a view to help continue growing the sport - which sees competitors ride on a small, dirt oval track, sliding through the corners to take the fastest line - across the country.

Masson continued: "We are pleased that Scottish Cycling have given their support.

"Things are on the up. Cycle speedway is going places in Scotland, with more people getting involved and I believe it will become one of the more popular cycling disciplines.

"To host the national championships is a reward for all the hard work behind the scenes, building the track and upgrading it.

"I'm pleased that Scottish Cycling have recognised all our efforts. We're delighted and thankful."