A DUNFERMLINE martial arts school celebrated 15 years since their formation by wowing members of the public with a demonstration event.

Formed in 2009, Evolution Traditional Korean Martial Arts, formerly Kuk Sool Won Dunfermline, marked the landmark with a show in the Glen Pavilion.

Around 300 people went along to watch students from the school, led by husband and wife team, Craig and Tammy Hill, showcase Traditional Korean Martial Arts (Mirae Kuk Sool), in which students can learn kicking, striking, joint locking, throwing, pressure points, meditation, breathwork, traditional weapons, falling techniques and more.

It provides the opportunity to get fit, learn self defence and Korean culture, as well as having fun and making strong friendships, with those participating ranging in age from three to those in their late 60s, from all walks of life.

Craig, a fifth dahn Kuk Sool master, said: "It was amazing, just to see how it's all come together after starting with just a couple of students.

"I think I'd even said when we started the club, my wife and I had to do absolutely everything, demoing everywhere, showing what it is that we did.

"This time, I did a couple of things, but I was able to just sit back. We've got all these black belts that have been training with us for years, and all these new students as well, and everybody just getting involved. It was just nice to almost sit back and look at it.

"I guess I'd always thought maybe I could do this full-time, and turn my passion into my career, as it were, but there wasn't many full-time martial arts places at that time, even back 15 years.

"It was like a dream, so to think we actually did it, and it's still growing and getting busier."

He added: "This week, I've certainly been getting a few text messages that people have booked in for trial lessons, so it must be off the back of the article in the Press.

"Normally, with the summer coming up, people aren't looking to start anything, so it's quite nice!

"As well as celebrating 15 years, we were promoting several of the students to first degree black belt, and we also had a third degree black belt promotion as well, so that was quite nice to be able to do that.

"Normally, that all happens at tournaments, but we were able to handle that in-house and it meant there was a lot more friends and family there for them. It was nice to be able to share that."

The school is based in the Elgin Industrial Estate, on Dickson Street, and for more information, visit https://evolutiontkma.com/, or find Evolution TKMA on Facebook.