AN MSP has hit out at NHS Fife after they dismissed claims that they had ignored her efforts to arrange a meeting to discuss concerns over palliative care.

As reported previously in the Press, Conservative politician Roz McCall has expressed her disappointment over her repeated failed efforts to secure a face to face meeting with the health board to discuss concerns over palliative care.

It followed her contact with a group of West Fife campaigners who approached her to outline their experiences and ask for help in raising awareness of their plight.

READ MORE: NHS Fife: MSP's quest for answers has 'got nowhere'

One of the campaigners, Dunfermline widow Trish Nolan, has been asking authorities for change after the "absolutely horrific" treatment her dying husband received in the Victoria Hospital.

NHS Fife, however, responded and said that "at no point" had they refused a meeting with the Mid Scotland and Fife MSP. 

They said a special briefing was held with elected members earlier this year to discuss in detail the current and future provision of palliative care in Fife, which Ms McCall was unable to attend, and said they held regular meetings open to local politicians.

Following their comments, this week Ms McCall issued a statement responding to the health board's position.

"I would like to set the record straight in relation to comments made by NHS Fife in response to my representations on behalf of several constituents, which was published in the Dunfermline Press on 28th September 2023," she said.

READ MORE: Dunfermline widow wants others to speak up over NHS Fife

"I repeat that I am bitterly disappointed that we are now months on from my initial letter and subsequent follow-up requests and no further forward.

"The response issued to me by NHS Fife in June 2023, and in August 2023, was a generic response outlining NHS Fife’s approach to palliative care.

"This was not sufficient to address my concerns as I specifically requested a meeting to discuss the delicate nature of these complaints in detail and confidence.

"The meeting to discuss palliative care services undertaken by NHS Fife, which I was unable to attend due to conflicting diary commitments, was a meeting which took place in which all MSPs and MPs representing Fife were invited.

"It would have been wholly inappropriate for me to raise individual cases in this forum and would have been a disservice to those constituents who raised complaints with me.

"In addition, there would be obvious GDPR breaches and confidentiality issues had I done so. I remain committed to raising the deeply concerning cases with NHS Fife in a constructive manner.’’