A FIFE MSP has called for a meeting with the Scottish Health Secretary to highlight the "shocking lack of essential medical services" at Dunfermline's Queen Margaret Hospital.

Roz McCall has written to Michael Matheson MSP asking that the issue can be discussed face to face.

She wrote: "In 2002, the controversial decision was taken to transfer Queen Margaret Hospital's most essential medical services to the Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy and ever since then, the people of the City of Dunfermline have been suffering.

READ MORE: MSP takes Dunfermline hospital service concerns to Holyrood

"Queen Margaret Hospital does not have an A&E department, it does not have a chemotherapy unit, it does not have a fully functioning maternity unit and the on-site minor injuries unit is not fit for purpose.

"Whilst raising the level of services at the maternity unit to level one is welcome, it does not go far enough. Dunfermline is a city and the people of the City of Dunfermline deserve the same hospital services that are afforded to the residents of the vast majority of other cities across Scotland.

"The people of the City of Dunfermline deserve better than this, warm words are cold comfort to patients who have suffered as a result of the closure of key services at Queen Margaret Hospital."

READ MORE: Fife MSP hits back at health board after meeting concerns

Dunfermline Press:

Ms McCall has vowed to continue to fight for the restoral of services alongside her colleague, local councillor Gavin Ellis, until the Scottish Government finally takes action to remedy this situation.

“I wrote to the Health Secretary to highlight the urgency behind this issue. The people of Dunfermline need a fully functioning Queen Margaret Hospital, and they need it now," she said.

“For too long, the needs of the people of Dunfermline have been ignored. That is why I will continue pushing this issue at the highest levels.

“No one in Dunfermline should have to take an hour-long bus to get urgent medical attention, that is why it is absolutely essential that the Scottish government listens to our calls.

“Dunfermline is a city, and I will not tolerate the people of Dunfermline being treated as second-class citizens.”

Last month, Ms McCall, who represents Mid Scotland and Fife for the Scottish Conservatives, raised the issue in the Scottish Parliament, asking why residents of "one of the fastest growing cities in the UK" are "suffering unnecessarily".

Responding, Health Secretary Michael Matheson said: "We expect NHS Fife like other health boards to work in partnership with their local planning partners including in the Fife area to look at how they can configure service to meet the needs of the local community, including ways in which services are divided between Victoria Hospital and also Queen Margaret Hospital.

"The member will also be aware that we have made significant investment in Queen Margaret Hospital over recent years.

"We put in a state of the art surgical and diagnostic service provision, new minor injuries unit, we've also created a new community and child service centre there and the provision of a comprehensive ante-natal and post-natal care service for the local community.

"No doubt NHS Fife will want to continue to review services going forward to make sure they meet the needs of the local community."