Meet Juan Carlos Rodrigues, one of a cast of medieval characters gathering in Dunfermline soon to celebrate Robert the Bruce’s 750th birthday.

Juan Carlos is a Spanish mercenary in the employ of the King.

The archer will tell you about life in Bruce's army, where his hunting skills feed the soldiers.

He will be showing visitors to the festival all of the equipment he would use in battle and reveal why archers are the least liked people in an army!

READ MORE: Learn all about medieval food with Mistress Claire at Bruce Festival

Youngsters will also get to learn how to create a secret call while hunting in the forest and how to sneakily creep around without disturbing wildlife.

Hear Juan Carlos’s story, and many others, at the Bruce 750 Festival taking place in Pittencrieff Park Dunfermline this weekend, June 1 and 2, from 10am to 5pm.