A DUNFERMLINE councillor has shared a pharmacy's warning about Lyme Disease after he was bitten by a tick. 

Gavin Ellis, who represents Dunfermline North, discovered one of the parasites on the back of his hand.  

He shared the Care Pharmacy in Townhill's Facebook post on ticks, he told the Press: “Having grown up playing in local woodlands and grasslands ticks weren’t something I was ever told about let alone ever having one. However, after taking my two wee boys to Beecraigs country park where we did nothing more than a picnic in the grass next to the playpark, I woke the next day to find one of these beasties attached to the back of my hand.

"I safely removed it with tweezers and put antiseptic cream on the bite and I've been lucky not to have any effects however it goes to show that even sitting watching the kids play was opportunity enough for the tick and it goes without saying, even if you've just been to the park it's worth checking yourself and any children after."

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Ticks are a type of parasitic arachnid that can carry and spread Lyme Disease, an infection, that if caught early enough, can be cured by antibiotics. 

However, if left without treatment, it can cause complications with the joints, heart and nervous system. 

Care Pharmacy has urged locals to look out for ticks on their bodies and remove them as quickly and carefully as possible. 

The post said: "Lyme Disease is spread by ticks and can be a serious condition if not treated early. If you find one on your body, remove the whole tick carefully.

"If you get a red circular rash on your skin, or develop flu-like symptoms visit your GP or nhsinform.scot/lyme-disease for more info."